United In Christ - Native Christian Leadership Conferences
The United in Christ conferences are an encouraging time to come together with likeminded leaders involved or interested in Native and First Nations ministry. UIC conferences are co-sponsored by Oak Hills Center for Indian Ministries and CHIEF, Inc.
United In Christ Mission Update
Results From July 2022 Mission Trip To Minneapolis, Minnesota
The first Native-led United in Christ mission team served July 15-17, 2022 with Envision
Envision is a ministry that reaches out to refugee and immigrant communities in Minneapolis, and St. Paul, Minnesota
The team of six people -- including Navajo, Crow, Dakota Sioux, and Ugandan -- was led by Daron Butler, a UIC speaker who has called Native Americans to move from being a mission field to becoming a mission force.
The Twin Cities has become home to many displaced people groups. One out of six people in the Twin Cities are first- or second-generation immigrants. In 2015 and 2016, refugees arrived in Minnesota from Somalia, Myanmar, Iraq, Ethiopia, Bhutan, Congo, Syria, Liberia, the former Soviet Union, and more.
Our team learned about the cultures of the Hmong, Somali, and Ethiopian people. We worked in community gardens, did a prayer walk, and talked with people at the Hmong Village and Somali Mall. On Sunday we enjoyed worshipping at an Ethiopian church.
We look forward to building on our relationship with Envision and planning more mission trips like this one.