BUILD Program — Midwest and Beyond
Oak Hills Center for Indian Ministries (CIM) and CHIEF Ministries have embarked on a ministry venture called BUILD. It stands for Biblical United Indigenous Leadership Development. The BUILD program is a ministry training program for Indigenous people. Watch the video on this page to learn more about BUILD.
View BUILD Class Videos
Find a sampling of BUILD class videos on our Resources page.
BUILD recognizes the need to encourage and equip Native and First Nations leaders who lack the means and/or the time to leave their homes and churches for extended periods of time to pursue ministry training.
Since 2018, BUILD has been bringing biblical and leadership training to them - sending teams of instructors to different reservations and communities in partnership with local churches.
Classes are also being recorded for those who are interested but unable to host or attend BUILD classes in their community. Please visit our resource page to access a sampling of our BUILD class videos.
If you would like to learn more about the BUILD Program or access the rest of the videos, please use the contact link below.